Your name in chinese Angel Maria

How is Angel Maria written in chinese?

Angel Maria in simplified chinese:


Angel Maria in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Angel Maria in chinese?

Angel Maria transcribed to pinyin:

tiān shǐ mǎ lì yà

Pronunciation of Angel Maria in chinese:

Picture of the name Angel Maria in chinese:

The name Angel Maria in chinese characters

Meaning of Angel Maria characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sky, heaven; god, celestial
使 cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador
agate; cornelian
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Angel Maria in chinese:

Angel Maria has given eight cats a Sand


tiānshǐmǎlìyà gěi shā sòngle bā zhī māo

Angel Maria and Sand are very good friends


tiānshǐmǎlìyà hé shā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Angel Maria now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Irmane 伊尔曼
Alondra 阿隆德拉
Amiera 阿米拉
Rasidi 拉西迪
Cruz Astrid 克鲁兹·阿斯特里德
Mayda 美达
Glanceque 扫视
Growing Sprout 成长中的新芽
Gyslaine 吉斯莱恩

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